Friday, July 4, 2014 0 comments

Tugas softskill penerjemahan berbantuan komputer ke 3 KEMAHIRAN BERBAHASA DAN PENGGUNANYA

Teori Kemahiran Berbahasa
Berikut ini lima teori ringkasan hipotesis yang meringkas teori pada penguasaan bahasa. (Untuk teknis diskusi dan keterangan pembantu, Krashen 1994, 2004.).
Penguasaan- pembelajaran Hipotesa
Hipotesa Pembelajaran Penguasaan Kita memiliki dua cara yang sangat berbeda dalam mengembangkan keahlian bahasa asing. Kita dapat memperoleh bahasa dan dapat mempelajarinya.
Penguasaan bahasa asing terjadi secara tidak disadari. Saat terjadi, kita tidak sadar kalau itu sedang terjadi. Kita pikir kita sedang melakukan sebuah percakapan, membaca buku, menonton film. Tentu saja, tapi pada saat yang bersamaan kita dapat memperoleh sebuah penguasaan bahasa.
 Juga pada saat kita sudah memperoleh sesuatu, biasanya kita tidak sadar kalau sesuatu telah terjadi; pengetahuan sudah tersimpan di otak kita secara tidak sadar.
 Penelitian sangat mendukung cara pandang dari anak-anak dan orang dewasa secara tidak sadar dapat memperoleh penguasaan bahasa. Juga dapat diperoleh secara lisan dan tertulis.
  Penguasaan kadang berhubungan dengan "mengambil" sebuah bahasa saat seseorang berkata, "Saya sedang berada di Prancis untuk sementara, dan mengambil atau mempelajari beberapa bahasa Prancis." itu berarti dia membutuhkan bahasa itu (bahasa Prancis).
 Pembelajaran bahasa adalah proses yang dilakukan secara sadar. Saat kita sedang mempelajarinya, kita tahu kita sedang mempelajari dan mencoba untuk belajar. Pembelajaran bahasa adalah apabyang kita lakukan di sekolah; dalam bahasa sehari-hari, saat kita berbicara tentang "peraturan" dan "tata bahasa" kita sedang membicarakan "pembelajaran".

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 0 comments

The Analysis on The Translation Phrasal Verb of The Bones Setter

The Analysis on The Translation Phrasal Verb of The Bones Setter

Nama : Wahyu Safitri
Kelas : 4Sa02
NPM : 18610438

1. Lying On
… Lying On … page 1 line 13. The meaning of Lying On is still on the bed lazily (bermalas-malasan)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014 0 comments

The Analysis on The Translation of The Bones Setter Using Google Machine

 The Analysis on The Translation of The Bones Setter Using Google Machine

Nama : Wahyu Safitri
NPM: 18610438
Kelas: 4SA02

These are the things i know are true
Ini adalah hal yang saya tahu adalah benar
Inilah hal yang aku tahu semua itu benar :

Analysis :
            The sentence that translated by Google using word by word. The Google translation are not grammartically. The writter choose word “semua” to replace the word “The Things” because the word “The Things” has a plural meaning.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013 0 comments

When to Use the Passive Voice

When to Use the Passive Voice

It is good academic and business/professional style to write in the active voice. The active voice helps the writer clearly identify who or what is the agent (the subject-actor) of the sentence. The active voice also encourages the writer to use more specific verbs. However, it is never a good idea to write all of your sentences in a single style because doing so may produce a rhythmic effect that dulls the attention of the reader. One of the ways of varying your sentence style is by using the passive voice.
However, when the writer doesn't know who the agent is or if the agent has already been clearly established or is generally agreed upon to both the writer and the readers, the passive voice should be used.
  1. A newspaper article covering a fire in a warehouse may say:
    "The Fire Chief suspects that the fire was started by an arsonist."
    In this case, the exact arsonist is not known.

  2. An academic article on the Christian Crusades may say:
    Towns were routinely burned to the ground and residents driven from their homes.
    In this case, the reader is well aware that the agents are Christian Crusaders.
But there are also rhetorical reasons for using the passive voice. In these cases, the active voice could have been chosen, but the writer chooses the passive voice to take attention away from the agent.
  1. A writer may use the passive voice to intentionally obscure (hide) the responsible agent. In business or professional writing, a company representative or a professional may have to deliver bad news to a client, an employee, a potential employee, a colleague, or a customer and may want to avoid taking responsibility or blame for an undesirable action. A business letter delivering bad news may begin with a sentence such as:
    "I regret to inform you that your application for employment is no longer being considered."
    In this case, the writer wants to obscure who is responsible for making the decision so that the recipient does not know who to blame.
  2. A writer may also use the passive voice when he or she wants to emphasize what is being spoken about, not the agent. Example: "The event was built around six sessions, with shifting panels of participants doing brief presentations on the subject of the session.
    In this case, the writer wants to focus attention on the event, not who "built" it because he want to the reader to focus on how the event was organized.
  3. A writer may be attributing a feeling, attitude, or belief to an entire group of people and uses the passive voice to avoid naming the members of this group. Example: "Weapons of mass destruction were believed to exist in Iraq."
    In this case, the writer wishes to express that a belief existed in general. The writer may use a sentence like this to introduce the evidence that the statement is valid. But writers also often use the passive voice to avoid having to demonstrate the truth of the statement because they consider that its truth is general knowledge. While such use of the passive voice is common, it can present ethical problems. Such statements may leave the readers feeling that because "everybody" believes something, it must be true.
Monday, November 4, 2013 3 comments

The Definition of Harddisk

The Definition of Harddisk
Hard disk is medium data storage on a computer that consists of a collection of magnetic hard disks and spinning, as well as other electronic components. Hard disks use a flat disc called the platter, which on both sides are coated with a material that is designed to be able to store information magnetically. Platter-platter by punching holes in the center are arranged and rearranged on a spindle. Platter spinning at very high speed which is controlled by the spindle motor that is connected to the spindle. Special literacy electromagnetic tool named head mounted on a slider and is used to store information in a disk or read. Slider mounted on the arm, all of which are connected mechanically to a single collection on the surface of the disc and is connected via a device called the actuator. There was also the logic board to regulate the activity of other components and communicates with the PC.

ATA / EIDE. EIDE hard disk (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics) or ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) is the latest version of a stAndard disk interface suitable for connection to the bus. Many manufacturers have a range of disk with a disk interface EIDE / ATA disk can be connected directly to the PCI bus and roomates which is used in many PC (personal computer).

SCSI. Many disks have interfaces designed for connection to a standard SCSI bus. The disks tend to be more expensive, but have better performance which is possible due to excess SCSI bus than the PCI bus. Access to the same can be done for many disk drives as the drive interface is actively connected to the SCSI bus only when the drive is ready to transfer data. This is especially useful in applications where there are a large number of requests for small files, which often happens in a computer used as a file server.

RAID. Promises great performance and provides a large and reliable storage. Disk is used both in high-performance computer and in systems that require dramatically higher reliability than normal levels. However, with the decline in prices to a more affordable level, the disk becomes more attractive even for a computer system with size - average.

SATA. SATA hard disk of the type (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment), the disk interface ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment) by using the serial version of the thin cable that has small wires. Total about two-thirds of total hard drive cable with type EIDE or ATA disks are numbered 39 pins and SATA has very high speed data transmission and reducing latency. So, this serial bus is able to exceed the speed of parallel bus.

Analysis :
1.  . . . EIDE / ATA disk can be connected directly to the PCI bus. . .

The sentence is a passive form that is siginified by the aux verb "can" and "be" that is followed by verb past participle "connected"

2.  . . . a material that is designed to be able to store information magnetically . . .

The sentence is a passive form that is signified by to be "is" and is followed by verb past participle "designed".

3.  . . . Access to the same can be done for many disk drives. . .
The sentence is a passive form that is signified by the aux verb "can" and "be" that is followed by verb past participle "done"
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 0 comments

Direct Speech

*Note Untuk powerpointnya bisa lihat link dibawah ini:


In direct speech we use the speaker’s own word.
“In text we put speech marks around the words spoken”
“Speech marks are also called inverted commas”
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 0 comments

Penulisan Iklan Bahasa Inggris

Visit Ancol restaurant to get the best fried rice. The new recipe ever made from the angel It's tasty; with 50 % discount; Let's Eat Like Monster!!!